Blogger Layouts

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Morning Walks

Morning walks are much more pleasant now that the weather has been cooler. The mornings have been in the high 50's or 60's for the past several weeks. The Carroll House is a mile from Deer Park Road , an easy walk on Deseret Lane which is paved. There's lots to see and it is a welcome contrast to my walks in St Pete!

Beautiful sunrises!

Morning fog

Fascinating cobwbs on fences & in the pasture

Cows, of course

Quarter horses


Florida Sandhill Crane

Jake & Sarah Birch (minus 2 yr. old Ruby)
Jake is training to be a foreman.

Scott & Taylor Smith out for a Saturday ride
Scott is an accountant.

Chad & Teri Smith also out for a Saturday ride!.
Chad is Human Resources Manager

Heavy equipment!
(Nice to know somebody's working.)

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power; for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. ( Revelation 4:11)

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